We're starting with prayer...

We are a group of people who are passionate about following Jesus and allowing Him to transform our families and our community. We are committed to helping people experience the powerful love of God the Father through the kindness of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our 1st Phase, is gathering for prayer on Wednesday evenings.
These times together are centered around worship, teaching, and prayer. If you want to learn to hear God’s voice, long for healing in the broken parts of your heart, or want to enjoy worship and prayer with people who love Jesus, we invite you to join us.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings


Wednesday Evenings

6:30 PM

Why Shepherd Church?

“Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls.” (1 Peter 2:25, NLT)
This is our story.  We found hope, healing and peace when we turned to Jesus. We have seen Him help people from all types of backgrounds, and we are committed to providing a space for anyone in the Region to come experience Him.