Our Story

How it all started...

We are a group of people who love Jesus and His Church and are passionate about returning the church to four pillars of integrity, holiness, freedom, and joyfulness.  Many of us have experienced some of our biggest hurts at the hands of church leaders and their followers.  Rather than giving up on church altogether, we have found hope and healing in the presence of Jesus and the comfort of His Holy Spirit. We believe He didn't make a mistake when He founded the church, but that trouble comes when we allow our traditions and hurts to cause us to lose sight of Him.  Shepherd Church has been founded with the purpose of helping people encounter, and keep their focus on Jesus.  As we do that, we believe He will keep us healthy and fruitful.  

Expanding the vision...

There are hurting people all over the world who need help finding Jesus. Our mission is to be His hands and feet in serving and caring for the basic needs of the poor and underprivileged, and to represent His heart and power to the broken and hurting around us.  
We believe that Jesus still rescues sinners, still heals emotional hurts and physical illness, and delivers people from addiction and torment.  These are the signs of His Kingdom --a heavenly Kingdom that is breaking through on earth.

Where we are headed...

Jesus said to get the message of His Kingdom to the entire world and we're taking that command personally.  Through technology, strategic partnerships, and lots of selfless work, we aim to help multitudes of people from all walks of life experience the reality of Christ's Kingdom in their daily lives. 

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.